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Frequently Asked Questions


Who are school art therapists?

School art therapists are mental health practitioners trained in both art and psychology to provide art therapy services to help students identified with emotional/behavioral disabilities (E/BD) access their education and reach their developmental potential.

How do art therapy, art education, and school counseling differ?

Art Therapy helps students identify and reconcile emotional conflicts using art processes as the modality for personal expression, communication, evaluation, and treatment.  Art education teaches students how to produce, understand, evaluate, and appreciate aesthetic productions. School counseling relies heavily upon verbal communication to help students understand their feelings and adopt socially acceptable behaviors.

Why are there art therapists in Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS)?

Art therapists are employed by M-DCPS to help students identified with E/BD access their education.  As a modality that attends to both verbal and non-verbal expressions of feelings, art therapy is used as a vehicle for communication to help students develop insights, resolve emotional conflicts, and make positive behavioral changes.  Masters’ level trained art therapists in M-DCPS observe and analyze a student's behaviors and art products, to design and implement appropriate therapeutic interventions.  They work as an integral member of the team; working directly with teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, outside agencies, and parents.

What students receive art therapy services in M-DCPS?

Students participating in E/BD programs are eligible for art therapy services.  Students receiving art therapy must meet criteria for this service.  The criteria includes:

(1) a strong recommendation from a school psychologist, social worker or other mental health practitioner stating that non-traditional forms of therapy may best meet the student's needs.
(2) an observation or recommendation that recognizes the student's tendency to gravitate towards art and/or expressive media.
(3) artistic development beyond the scribble stage.

How are art therapy services delivered?

M-DCPS clinical art therapy services are provided in individual and group settings.  Art therapists do not teach classes.

Do art therapists in M-DCPS need state teaching certification?

Yes, M-DCPS requires art therapists to have Florida teaching certification or be in the process of obtaining Florida teaching certification.

When did art therapy begin in M-DCPS?

The M-DCPS clinical art therapy program began with a pilot program in 1979 under the direction of Ms. Janet Bush.  It has grown consistently throughout the years.  Presently, there are 16 art therapists and one music therapist providing services to approximately 400 students countywide.

What are the requirements for employment as an art therapist in M-DCPS?

In addition to obtaining a Florida teaching certificate, the minimum requirements for  M-DCPS clinical art therapists are a masters' degree in art therapy with eligibility for registration with the Art Therapy Credentials Board. 

What are the salaries for M-DCPS art therapists?

Salaries are commensurate with teachers' salaries. Years of experience and degrees granted beyond the bachelor's level are also taken into consideration.

Where can you find additional information?

American Art Therapy Association
The Florida Art Therapy Association
Art Therapy Credentials Board

M-DCPS : 1450 NE 2nd Ave. : Miami, FL 33132 : Phone: (305) 995-1000 (For Non Technical Questions Only) © 2017